With its growing real estate portfolio in prime Bosnia and Herzegovina locations, ADRIALE Living is already laying the building blocks for future success as a financially strong holding company: Through high-quality investments in strategic shareholdings in various companies and service providers from the real estate industry.
From the planning phase through to the turnkey handover of real estate, we take individual care of each buyer. As an experienced real estate specialist, we take over the entire project development and implementation of all necessary measures. These include the property search, profitability calculation, profit calculation, planning, tendering, contracting, project management through to completion and marketing.
Višenamjenski salon Regius Life nalazi se u Kreševu na adresi Resnik bb. Njegov interijer je...
Projektom ADRIALE LIVING STAMBENI KOMPLEKS stvaramo ambijent koji Kreševo čini još boljim mjestom za...
Hotel Adriale
Our team consists of experienced and highly motivated employees who have set themselves the goal of becoming the market leader in the metal industry... Read more
Obala bb, Kreševo
Bosna i Hercegovina
+387 30 335 851